Why to Buy Medical Marijuana from Dispensaries?

Frontier Medicine
2 min readDec 7, 2021


Products are risk-free

While you could argue that people have been using illegal products for decades, keep in mind that long-term health consequences take time to manifest.

You’re buying substandard items that are laden with chemicals and extremely dangerous to your health because illegal growers and sellers on the black market aren’t required to follow any regulatory protocol. Legal dispensary products are thoroughly tested in laboratories to ensure that they are free of all toxins, chemicals, and molds that might be harmful to your health.


Your goal is to reap the benefits of marijuana without the negative side effects that cause more harm than good. Tight controls on the legal business give you peace of mind that the salespeople, or “budsmen,” as they’re known at a legal dispensary, have the necessary understanding and skill of cannabis and its various strains. Furthermore, dispensaries are responsible for all of the advice they provide, and as a result, they must always guarantee that what they provide complies with legislation or risk losing their licenses.

There are far more options now

It’s rare to come across a black market dealer who sells safe, high-quality cannabis strains, let alone a range of consumption methods or understanding of potency and formulation. Because the legal business follows stringent rules, it is able to provide consumers with a wide range of options from which to choose or deny. Every cannabis product, from edibles, oils, and tinctures to vapes and capsules, comes with full transparency about the strain and potency. This means you’ll always know how much THC or CBD is in every product you buy.

In OKC you can buy medical marijuana from our dispensary. We are legal sellers. We, Frontier Medicine are the first to keep our doors open for 24 hours.

**Disclaimer: This content is not the advice of a doctor; no product promoted herein is approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Originally published at https://www.frontiermedicine.com on December 7, 2021.



Frontier Medicine

Frontier Medicine is a new kind of medical marijuana dispensary. Our pharmacist-led approach to medical marijuana to help patients.